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About Cowhugger

When Patrick & Sephanie met on a blind date in college, they discovered they shared the joy of the unexpected as well as a love of animals and the beauty of the world around them. After moving to the Los Angeles area, they became involved in dog rescue and from that experience began to look for other ways they could help animals in need. The more they looked into issues surrounding animal protection and animal rights, the more they realized that the effort to make the world a kinder, better place for all its inhabitants begins with the choices we make in our own lives and to let those choices be guided by compassion.

We affect the ability of people to be treated fairly and ethically by the companies we choose to buy from and the policies we support. We respect our environment and strive to protect it by the materials we use, how we dispose of our refuse and how we interact with nature that surrounds us. We direct the fates of billions of animals used for food and fashion and research by what we consume and what we wear.  We are complicit in their abuse if we turn a blind eye.

They began to look for ways to advocate on behalf of animals for compassion and kindness - how they could use their voices for the voiceless. This evolution resulted in their decision to go vegan in 2004. The more they learned, the more imperative the evolutionary journey became as they realized that their choices in life affected the lives of others. Being vegan, they learned, means compassion and causing no harm to either animals or people and protecting the earth.

They are inspired by the passionate people - the warriors who fight for animal rights, the people who stand up for the defenseless, the rescuers who seek to help the lost and wounded and the artists who use their talents to move hearts and minds to open up to the beauty and value in all living beings. At home they have their own motivational team, full of love and exuberance, they can always count on their six dogs and one turtle for the healthiest dose of animal joy and inspiration.

They believe that passion + compassion + respect + inspiration + love = a beautiful world.

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